

Based on the groundbreaking documentary of the same name, HEAL follows two people on their healing journeys, while combining science-backed research and real-world testimonials from experts like Marianne Williamson, Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, Bernie Siegel, Anita Moorgani, Kelly Brogan, and many others, to offer hope and alternative treatments for the many people suffering from a variety of chronic illnesses. By identifying the emotional roots of illnesses, we can tap into the body’s healing powers and discover that although healing can be complex and deeply personal, it can also happen spontaneously in a moment. HEAL shows us that science and spirituality are united and demonstrates that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our overall health and the ability to recover from illness and injury.

With more than double the content than the HEAL documentary, the HEAL book is a beautiful reference guide for your healing journey.

The most powerful healer is within

When we receive diagnoses from medical professionals, we are often so overwhelmed that we give up authority over our own health and well-being. But the truth is, we have more control over our health and life that we have been led to believe, and that belief is at the core of our body’s capacity to heal itself.

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HEAL available in 22 languages worldwide and wherever books are sold! (Published by Simon & Schuster and Beyond Words)

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Words Of Affirmation

  • A must-read on your wellness journey. Maria Menounos TV Correspondent

  • An exciting exploration into your unrealized healing potential. Dr. Habib Sadeghi Physician, futurist, and author of The Clarity Cleanse

  • The science, the esoteric solutions, and the heart intelligence bundled into Heal is the map to total wellness. Danielle Laporte Creator of The Desire Map Course

  • Heal is what all us seekers have been looking for. Jamie Lynn Sigler Actress

  • Heal carries such a well-curated and inspiring message that I have all my clients read it as part of their birth prep homework. Lori Bregman Doula and author of Mamaste and The Mindful Mom to Be

  • I’ve always had a deep passion for wellness and living organically. Contained in this book are insights for anyone wanting to live a healthier lifestyle. Miranda Kerr Supermodel and founder/CEO of Kora Organics

  • Heal will open your mind and help you re-create your perception. Alejandro Junger, MD New York Times bestselling author of Clean

  • If you’ve been looking for the inspiration to jump your well-being to a whole new level, this book is it! Dawson Church Award-winning author of Mind to Matter